
Navigating Child Custody: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Child custody is a deeply emotional and legally intricate aspect of family law. When parents part ways, decisions about child custody can be challenging, affecting not only the parents but also the well-being of the children involved. In this blog post, we will delve into the various aspects of child custody, including types of custody, factors influencing custody decisions, and how parents can navigate this process with the best interests of their children at heart.

Types of Child Custody:

  1. Legal Custody: This type of custody refers to the right and responsibility to make decisions about the child's upbringing, including education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Legal custody can be joint (both parents share decision-making) or sole (one parent has the authority to make decisions).
  2. Physical Custody: Physical custody determines where the child will live on a day-to-day basis. Like legal custody, it can be joint or sole. In joint physical custody, the child spends substantial...
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A Foolproof Formula for Staying Healthy After Your Divorce

You may need to call a doctor, as well as a lawyer, when you’re going through a divorce. The end of your marriage can affect your mental and physical health.

Divorce increases the risk for mobility issues and chronic conditions including heart disease and diabetes for both men and women, according to a study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


On the other hand, the experience varies for each individual. You might feel overwhelmed by emotional and financial issues. You might find yourself thriving and enjoying life more.


Whatever your circumstances, the end of a marriage is a major transition. Try these suggestions for keeping your mind and body strong and fit.


Protecting Your Physical Health after a Divorce:

1. Schedule screenings. The stress of a divorce can affect your immune system and make you more vulnerable to many serious health conditions. Be proactive. Discuss your situation with your doctor and follow their recommendations...

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Divorce and Financial Survival

Divorce and Financial Survival

No one gets married with the expectation of getting divorced someday. Regrettably, though, divorce rates are expected to continue climbing. Divorce affects all areas of your life, including your financial health, and can result in significant challenges.

If you're struggling through a divorce, there are several things you can do to minimize the negative effects on your finances.

Consider these options to help you financially survive a divorce:

1. Come to an agreement on how to divide your assets. A particularly difficult thing in any divorce is the decision of who gets what. You and your spouse both may have an economic and emotional investment in almost everything, from the house to the art collection you acquired together.

  • It really is beneficial to avoid having the lawyers get involved in the process. Once the legal system is formally involved, the process is much more expensive and financially and emotionally draining.

2. Try mediation....

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Co-Parenting After Divorce

divorce Jun 20, 2020

As a family law lawyer, I have been involved in some pretty catastrophic cases as well as some cases that went pretty seamlessly.  Today, I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you my knowledge and experience from my law practice on the topic of co-parenting after divorce.

Co-parenting after a divorce can provide children with the stability, consistency, and the understanding that children need to cope with divorce.  Many children commonly describe divorce as the most traumatic experience that they have ever lived through.  But co-parenting is not easy, in fact, it is very difficult, even in the best of circumstances.

People are complicated individuals.  Part of what makes people so complicated are our emotions, but  it is also the part that makes people great, and the part that makes people not so great.  To complicate matters further, there are a lot of emotions that people can experience especially when going through a divorce.  These...

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