
Navigating Child Custody: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Child custody is a deeply emotional and legally intricate aspect of family law. When parents part ways, decisions about child custody can be challenging, affecting not only the parents but also the well-being of the children involved. In this blog post, we will delve into the various aspects of child custody, including types of custody, factors influencing custody decisions, and how parents can navigate this process with the best interests of their children at heart.

Types of Child Custody:

  1. Legal Custody: This type of custody refers to the right and responsibility to make decisions about the child's upbringing, including education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Legal custody can be joint (both parents share decision-making) or sole (one parent has the authority to make decisions).
  2. Physical Custody: Physical custody determines where the child will live on a day-to-day basis. Like legal custody, it can be joint or sole. In joint physical custody, the child spends substantial...
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Essential Elements For Running A Successful Home Business

Running your own home-based business is not for everyone, but most people at some point in their life have given the idea some consideration. It provides many things that a regular job cannot, and if you run the business alongside your regular job, you can have the best of both worlds.


The biggest challenge in running your own business is not in the actual running of it. Where most people struggle is in choosing what kind of business to run!


With that being said, there are still important aspects of any business that need to be dealt with effectively in order for your business to become successful.


Take care of these things to help create the success you want for your business:

 1. Enjoy what you do. If you find yourself NOT enjoying what you do, find out what it is you don’t enjoy and either fix it, forget it, change it, or get someone else to do it.

  •  If you don’t enjoy what you do, it’s just a matter of time before you quit....
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A Simple Plan to Regain Financial Fitness


Most of us are not financially fit. We are not completely aware of how our money is being spent. We have too much debt and spend money on the wrong things. While it can be challenging to turn things around, it’s well within your reach.


There is no single, correct path to financial prosperity. Different solutions work for different people.


While there are multiple paths, there are some steps that are critical, regardless of the path followed:


  1. Know where your money is being spent. Many people only have a vague idea about how much money they make and where it goes. The first step to financial fitness is know exactly how much you’re taking home and where it’s being spent.


  • Websites such as make it easy to track how every penny is being spent each month. There are other, similar, services.


  1. Set short-term and long-term goals. Set a few goals that will cover the next month, year, and five years. How are you...
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12 Money Saving Tips in the Home


Whether you are saving for a house deposit, or perhaps something a little smaller, there are things that you can do at home to save money.


Try these tips and watch your savings grow:

 1. Make a shopping list. How many times have you gone to the grocery store and ended up buying things you think you wanted rather than the things you actually needed?

  •  If you use a magnetic whiteboard and put it on your fridge, you can keep it updated with the items you actually need. Only stick to these items and avoid buying anything you don’t currently need.

2. Eat more fresh produce. You may think that buying fresh food is expensive, but this is not the case.

  •  You can even prep meals to get them ready for those days where you know you are going to be busy. Therefore, you are also eating healthier too, rather than opting for junk food and ready meals.

 3. Stick to drinking water. Rather than opting for a soda, tea, or other beverage, choose...

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Top Reasons To Revise Your Will


Perhaps you, like many others, believe that once your will has been drawn up, that is the end of the process. While wills have never been anyone's idea of fun, it’s important to review your will on a regular basis. There are many reasons to pull out your will and give it a thorough review.

Let's examine the most common reasons:


  1. New family members. In general, if a will is worded properly, any children that are born after the will has been signed will be entitled to the same share of the estate as the pre-existing children. Even so, if you have a new child, check with your attorney just to be sure everything is worded according to your wishes.


  • Also consider how your wishes might change based on other new people in your life. What if you re-connect with a family member? What if you make a new best friend? Maybe one of them would be the person to take good care of your boat when you're gone. Consider all new people who've entered your life since you...
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Estate Planning Essentials for the Self-Employed

Estate planning is an uncomfortable subject for many. For the self-employed, the topic can be even more sensitive. Estate planning can be quite complicated when you own a business. There are business assets, business accounts, and the ever-looming threat of bankruptcy.

Health issues are another concern. Entrepreneurs are often unable to afford good health insurance or long-term care protection. Business assets are at risk if you become unable to work.

Business owners can also have a much larger estate tax burden. Minimizing these taxes requires thoughtful planning and expert guidance.


If you’re self-employed, consider these ideas regarding your estate planning:

 1. Power of Attorney. For the more conventionally employed, all that’s usually needed is someone you can trust. For the self-employed, remember that the person with power of attorney will be making business decisions if you become incapable.

  •  Can you find someone you trust with the...
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Making Joint Custody Work For Your Family

A growing body of research confirms that kids are usually better off with both parents in their lives as joint custody becomes the preferred solution to child rearing after divorce. Familiarizing yourself with the benefits of shared custody and learning these strategies can help you make the best arrangement for your family.


Basic Principles to Keep in Mind

1. Understand the difference between physical and legal custody. Physical custody refers to which parent the child lives with. Legal custody refers to a parent's right and responsibility to make major decisions that affect their child on issues like education and health care.


2. Appreciate the benefits of joint custody. Shared custody is currently awarded in approximately 20% of divorces and that figure is likely to grow. Kids who spend substantial time with both parents appear to have fewer physical and emotional health issues. Their self-esteem is higher and they do better in school.


3. Put your children's...

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Trust 101

Trusts are important financial instruments in estate planning. Unlike a will, with a trust, you can legally arrange your estate in a way that saves your family a substantial amount of money on taxes, avoids probate and those expenses, and distributes your assets according to your wishes after you're gone.


What is a Trust?

The most common type of trust is a legal arrangement that someone sets up to designate what will happen to their assets upon their death. Typically, such trusts name a “trustee,” a person who’ll be responsible for carrying out the trust’s instructions.

The person setting up the trust, known as the “trustor” or “grantor,” also names beneficiaries of the trust funds. Beneficiaries are the people who’ll receive the assets when the trustor dies.


A trustee is legally appointed by the trustor to be responsible for managing the funds for the beneficiaries of the trust. You probably know that beneficiaries...

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A Foolproof Formula for Staying Healthy After Your Divorce

You may need to call a doctor, as well as a lawyer, when you’re going through a divorce. The end of your marriage can affect your mental and physical health.

Divorce increases the risk for mobility issues and chronic conditions including heart disease and diabetes for both men and women, according to a study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


On the other hand, the experience varies for each individual. You might feel overwhelmed by emotional and financial issues. You might find yourself thriving and enjoying life more.


Whatever your circumstances, the end of a marriage is a major transition. Try these suggestions for keeping your mind and body strong and fit.


Protecting Your Physical Health after a Divorce:

1. Schedule screenings. The stress of a divorce can affect your immune system and make you more vulnerable to many serious health conditions. Be proactive. Discuss your situation with your doctor and follow their recommendations...

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How to Create an Estate Plan

How to Create an Estate Plan

An estate plan is an important part of organizing your future. Legal forms used in estate planning let you stay in control of your care in the event of incapacitation and establish how your assets will be passed along when you pass on.


1. Find an estate planning attorney. You will need an experienced attorney to help you put together an estate plan. This can be a complicated matter that requires a great deal of legal paperwork.


2. Organize your files and examine your assets. Your attorney will need to see the details of your assets.


 3. Discuss potential issues with your attorney. Do you anticipate a big fight among your children once you're gone? Do you have extensive debts that need to be paid?


 4. Ensure you have a will. You may also want a living will so your wishes for your medical care are followed if you become incapacitated.


 5.File beneficiary forms and make final...

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